Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Look what we brought home from daycare!!!!

Joy- Anna's got hand foot mouth disease. Yuck. A virus that you can't do anything for and lasts for 7-10 days. She has a low grade fever that peaks at night and is irritable at mealtimes and when she's sleepy. She also has a heinous rash on her legs and bottom, with a few spots on her torso, arms, and hands. I called daycare today to ask if there had been any cases and the woman said, "Oh yeah, we had a case last week. We've got everything going on now- bronchitis, ear infections, runny noses, it's really bad." So does this mean the kids AT SCHOOL have all this crud or are they all at home (like Anna) since they're sick? And I never saw a sign about it, maybe due to the fact that Anna didn't go to school on Thursday or Friday, but still- I would've kept her home if I had known it was going around! SO now I can't take her to school until her temperature is less than 100 for 24 hours...Tonight it was 100.1...geez. I can't say I mind staying home with her, though. Let's just hope tonight she sleeps better than last night- up at 10:30 for an hour of screaming and then again at 6:30 for breakfast. We also think she might be teething so that doesn't help. Poor baby.

On a positive note, she looks like she'll be crawling any minute! Today she started moving backwards, which I heard they do first sometimes! So now we really need to babyproof the house!!! We need to get the house safe for when the nephews come up at Christmas, anyway! Sean is a moving machine! I can't wait to see the little guys!!

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