Thursday, November 08, 2007

I was in total denial yesterday that I could have mastitis, but after a day of flu-like symptoms, pain, and a trip to the grocery store wiping me out, I decided to call my OB who agreed I have mastitis. I didn't notice red spots until later in the evening, and then I conceeded. So now I'm on antibiotics, attempting to rest as much as possible (and ignore how foul my house is getting), and catching up on all those addictive MTV shows like Run's House, The Hills, and Real World Sydney. Many thanks to Lola who took Anna to school this morning and picked her up. I'm really trying to not do ANYTHING, since it seems like I can't do much without feeling bad. I have taken a shower today, and that seemed like it was my limit of energy production. Now Anna is home, John is at work late, and we're indulging in some TV. I'm praying her little brain won't be too adversely affected. :(

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