Monday, November 19, 2007

Hangin on the couch

A great nap

Anna's new 'do

Trying out Brynn's milk
Anna LOVES anything "baby", and taking Brynn's pacifier, bottle, or sitting in her bouncy seat or swing are her current faves. Brynn is on the brink of smiling. She's much more alert and pays attention to our faces and voices now. She wiggles her arms and legs at these times and gets cuter by the minute. I'd forgotten how sweet this age is.

Anna is our little parrot now. She will repeat almost everything we say as best she can, and also will come out of the blue with her own words. On the way home from school the other day, she said, "Oh my gosh, another bus!" I died laughing. She loves pointing out buses on the road, as well as trucks, tractors, ambulances, and fire trucks. She also will occasionally say, "Bless you Mommy" when I sneeze, which melts my heart.
We are excited about Thanksgiving because the cousins are coming up to visit. We're practicing saying everyone's name and eventhough she'll probably clam up when they're actually here, it's fun to hear her versions of names. My favorite is Braxton (that's a hard name!)- her version is "Bacti". Br is hard for her, as are Tr's (truck is tuck). I'm hoping for some great photo ops of the three monkeys (and maybe at least one of all 4 kids?) We'll see!

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