Sunday, July 22, 2007

The new room
This past week and weekend John put a lot of hard work into painting Anna's new room. It was our goal to get Anna moved in the month of July. The room still has some decorating issues (like window treatments, wall decor) but I'm so glad that Anna is sleeping in there right now, it doesn't matter! I think it's helped that we've been talking to her about her new room and had her play in it while we (John) fixed it up. John painted the trim, the walls, the door, the closet doors, put new fan blades up, hung new blinds, and moved furniture in and out. Right now we just have the crib, changing table, and two dressers in there. It looks so empty in the middle! I guess it's good to keep it simple, though. Once Anna starts climbing out of the crib it gives her less stuff to get into!
It is a very strange feeling to walk by the empty nursery now that Anna is asleep in her new room- it's a big reality check that there will be another little person in that room soon and it's kinda exciting but frightening at the same time! Thank goodness Baby B is a girl because I can use most of Anna's stuff for her. I did buy her own little loveys the other day, and I plan on getting her a special blanket as well, so that she can have SOME of her own things!
I learned Monday night/Tuesday morning how much my pregnant body can handle as far as errands, and it's not much. I spent most of the day casually shopping for Anna's new room, and then paid for it by having to go get monitored in Labor and Delivery (where I should've been working). I didn't think about how Baby B is going through a growth spurt at the moment and how tired my body is because of it. Tuesday morning around 3am I woke up with the feeling that Baby B was trying to kick her way out, and it started making me anxious about having a preterm baby. So then I couldn't sleep, got up, drank some water, and then proceeded to start contracting. I didn't want to be one of those patients that had problems because of dehydration, so by the time 8am rolled around, I had 2.5 liters of water in my system. I called my OB then, because I was contracting every 5 minutes and had been for an hour. I spent about 4 hours in the hospital, had some tests done, and the contractions slowed down enough for me to go home. Thank goodness for Lola, who picked up Anna from daycare and kept her until John picked her up. I was able to get a decent nap in, and still get to spend some time with her that afternoon.
I feel ambivalent about having Anna in daycare full-time now. She used to go 3 days a week, and when I started working 4 days a week, it got stressful trying to figure out her care for that 1 day. Now she can go every day, which on one hand is great because I can drop her off and get some errands done, but on the other hand, I miss her like crazy and feel like I'm letting someone else raise my baby. Plus it never fails that she comes home with a new bump, bruise, scratch, or filthy clothes. I feel like her new classroom just lets the kids run wild without much attention. Maybe I will get used to that, since she IS a toddler, and that's what toddlers do, but still, I just hate picking her up and inspecting her body for the latest wound. :(

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