Monday, April 30, 2007

Anna's newest antics...

We're working on the walking thing- she likes to walk holding onto one hand now, and is taking more and more steps unassisted. Her teacher says she will walk when no one is watching, and as soon as she notices someone looking at her, she drops down to start crawling. I'm not all too eager for her to start running, so her progress is just fine for me!

Anna can now tell you (by pointing) where her nose, eye, ear, mouth, teeth, hair, and belly button are. She will give hugs and blow kisses as well (but somehow stops at the kissing her hand part). She's cutting 4 teeth all at once...the two bottom incisors (I think that's what they're called) and two top molars. So now she has even teeth! 6 on top and 6 on bottom! She loves the book, "Pat the Bunny" and can do all the activities in it, like play peek-a-boo, put her finger through the ring, etc. She also likes to sniff the flowers, so now when she sees any flower, she sniffs as if to smell it. Pretty cute. We're working on taking down her morning nap, because at school she seems to not want to take her morning nap and then takes a great afternoon one. Plus when she moves up to the toddler room, they only take 1 afternoon nap. My issue with this 1 nap thing is this- when do I take a shower now?? Her morning naps were my "get ready" time. Does this mean I have to get up before she does and get ready? Ack!! I don't feel comfortable letting her roam the house while I'm in the shower- she has gotten stuck in the dog door a couple of times and I'm just waiting for her to climb into the litter I'm not sure her room is 100% baby proof. Right now she's taking a cat nap- my plan is to get her up at 1 hour. Which means I need to get ready...Pictures to come once I free up some memory on the camera!!

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