Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our Vacation to Bald Head Island
We were so happy to spend time with Braxton, Aunt Lorie, Uncle Bryan, Mimi, and Pops for a few days during our week at the beach. We went to either the beach or the pool everyday! Anna is now tanner than her mommy, which is strange considering she had SPF 50 on and I had SPF 15...Oh well, I'm happy that she has more of John's pigment, anyway!
We had such a relaxing time. It's so quiet there, driving around in golf carts and not having to bother with work really does slow your life down! Anna liked the pool more than the ocean, as she was afraid of the waves (even the little ones), but she did enjoy digging around in the sand and playing with buckets of water on the beach. Sadly, we have no pictures of her on the beach (we do have video, though!). I guess that means we'll have to go back to get some pictures!
Anna and Braxton and their after-dinner entertainment

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Morning story time with Aunt Lorie

Thanks to this book, Eight Silly Monkeys, Anna has learned the word "NO", as in, "no more monkeys jumping on the bed!". She picked it up on our way down to the beach and said, "NO!, No!". It was really cute. So far she uses the word appropriately, like when you ask her if she wants something. She also learned a bunch of other words, like pool, water (wawa), shell, bow, and mermaid (mermay). She repeats a lot of words if you ask her to, and has learned a lot of words through picture books that we have.

In the backyard looking for alligators

Enjoying Mimi's chocolate chip cookies

Looking cool in Winnie the Pooh shades. She actually wore these for a good amount of time. I was impressed that she a) wore them and b) didn't break either pair.

Splashing in the pool

Playing hard= sleeping hard

We had such a nice time, we can't wait to go back! I wish I could create more vacation hours at work so that we could spend a month there, but all I have are considered precious maternity leave for Baby B. Thanks Mimi and Pops for letting us use your house!

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