Saturday, December 30, 2006

More Christmas pictures

Our Christmas mantle

Braxton taking a nap in the jumper

Sean and Anna playing with the new table

Braxton checks out the tree

Sean cruising the couch

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Anna's first Christmas

What a fun time for everyone!! Helping Santa was great!! I really look forward to the years to come of Anna waiting for Santa and putting cookies and milk out for him!! We had a busy but fun holiday. My brothers and John's sister all came up for Christmas, so we split time between the two families. We had a full house with 6 adults and 3 babies!! On Christmas night we hosted dinner for both our families and really loved not having to go anywhere! :) It made it much easier for all 3 babies to be able to go to bed at their normal time and then we were able to eat, although Anna decided she liked the hostess role, so she refused to go to sleep until everyone left! We also loved catching up with Sean and Braxton's development! All 3 babies are crawling, and they all have top and bottom teeth! Braxton's trying to catch up by getting 4 top teeth all at once! Sean's cruising everywhere and is a speedy little crawler.

More pictures to follow!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

What's that you say, Rudolph? Santa's coming to town??
So today was our first experience with Portrait Innovations. What a neat place and geez- they make a KILLING. We were there for a total of an hour (not even 15 min of taking pictures). And after waiting only 30 min for the pictures to develop, we walked away with 71 was SO hard to choose the poses I wanted, but luckily I have the cd of all of them...I'm not posting too many more because I don't want to spoil any Christmas presents, but they are too cute!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Anna gets some snuggle time with Great-Grandma

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Leftovers!!! I just threw away the last of them, but I could eat them forever! Anna loved having Great-Grandma over for the night of leftovers after Thanksgiving because she got her all to herself!


I'm not sure why we hadn't brought these out before now, but we just found the bottle! John is very good at blowing BIG bubbles...

Anna's early Christmas present from her Mom and Dad

We decided to go ahead and get the next best thing to a tank-kinda-carseat. This thing feels so secure yet soft. It fits up to 65 pounds, so we figured that since it won't get used by another sibling, we could go ahead and get a girly pattern. I love it! My favorite feature is that you can velcro the straps on the side of the carseat so that you don't have to hold them at the same time you're trying to put the baby in! It is a little challenging getting Anna ready to go out the door with all her STUFF, and carrying her with everything to the car- it takes a little more organizing and baby wrangling, but I'll get used to it! It beats lugging this little chuncker in that carrier! It seems like over the past week Anna has seemed heavier every time I pick her up! Is there lead in her formula?? Haha.

On a different note, we've decided to switch pediatricians, due to the fact that ours is leaving Richmond, and based on others' recommendations. I'm excited but nervous to learn a different group of doctors, but I'm also happy to have done this before Anna gets any older. She has her 9 month check-up in 2 weeks with the new group.

Anna is "scooting" now, half crawling but using one elbow instead of her hands to move. She rolls/scoots wherever she wants to go, so she's not missing anything!! She also just started getting into a sitting position from her stomach. She seems very proud of herself when she does this, and gets quicker everyday. Her favorite toys right now are the remote control, phone, any sort of cable, and Madeira's bones/toys (yuck). Apparently, Madeira likes to share, because everytime I look around, a bone or toy is on Anna's playtime blanket!!